Vamp it up Twilight Style
In the wake of the release of the 3rd installment of the Twilight Saga, people are getting very excited. By people I mean mostly women, but not limited to them, from the early ages of 7 or 8 all the way up to the ladies of the "Twilight Grandmas" fan club. Edward, Bella, and Jacob's love triangle truly has become a worldwide phenomenon. That being said, here are some Eclipse inspired fashions. We are not talking Dracula capes and coffin necklaces, just subtly vampy, like little pops of black, smokey eyes, loose hair, and a darker shade of lipstick. Let's not forget those wolf inspired looks either...think native, earthy, and wild.
Don't be ashamed of this guilty pleasure, truth is, probably most of the ladies in your life are just as obsessed as you are. And if if they aren't, well then it's their loss! I'll see you at the cinema!