Treat Yourself to a Facial, it Pays Off!
Ok, so I broke down and saw the new Jennifer Lopez rom-com, "The Back-up Plan", mainly because I love that actor Alex O'Loughlin, and he is Australian-bonus! However, what I could not keep my eyes off the entire time was not so much Alex, but J.Lo's perfectly amazing skin! I mean, it is just ridiculous, the girl was glowing. And this is not a magazine, I mean sure she can wear makeup and have great lighting, but you cannot airbrush film like you can a picture. I immediately went home and researched what she uses on her skin. Here is what I found out:
-She is an avid moisturizer...morning, night, and throughout the day.
-She wears sunblock always.
-She makes sure to wash off her makeup at the end of the day.
-She eats right.
-She drinks tons of water.
-She exercises (gets the glands going!).
-No smoking or drinking.
-Lots of sleep.
But most importantly, she credits her great skin to regular facials!
I know this is hard, who has the time and the money to get facials all the time? But seriously, this is what will make or break having fabulous skin at 40 like J.Lo. There are treatments and machines that a technician will use on you that you could never do on yourself. You can compromise by having a weekly facial night (mine is Sunday) where you do your own facial at home. Then once a month or at least once every other month, go get a special treatment facial! A peel, oxygen mask, intense vitamin c, collagen mask, whatever you want! It will be worth it in the end.
Some great products that J.Lo and other celebrities use are: