Sex and the City Craziness!
So in case you haven't heard, Sex and the City 2 comes to Australian cinemas on June 2nd. Everyone is all in a tither over Sarah Jessica Parker's (SJP) character Carrie Bradshaw hooking up Aiden, her in-between Mr. Big love interest. This part of the plot is so under wraps that movie reviewers had to sign a confidentiality agreement before they were allowed to view the movie.
Across the way Kim Cattrall's no strings attached, sex loving character played a little ruse of her own walking down the street in a fake, albeit fabulous, wedding dress to fool fans causing all sorts of "that's a bad movie idea!" comments.
Well all these things lead to controversy, gossip, secrets, anticipation, and ultimately press for the movie. But perhaps the biggest pull that female movie goers wish to see are the amazing fashions by set costume designer Patricia Fields. Which of course go hand in hand with the star's hair and makeup. Mix in a pinch of the stunning backdrop of Abu Dhabi and you have yourself such wonderful eye candy you don't even care what the movie is about. Which I have heard does lack in story line, but we all knew that was coming anyway didn't we.
Since the girls take a trip to the desert, the overall feel of the trends are high class glamorous resort wear with a Middle Eastern twist. Flowing fabrics, ornate jewellery, bright colors among sandy neutrals, head scarves, windblown hair, tan glowing skin, lavish shimmery accents...ahhhh yes, we have arrived in Sex and the City Craziness!
To prepare for the big night why not pick up a bottle of SJP's newest perfume inspired by Carrie called SJP NYC. It comes in the cutest packaging and is fruity yet floral with hints of strawberry, honeysuckle, vanilla, bergamot, and musk. I enjoy it more than I thought I would; it gave off a flirty, sexy, delicious vibe. My favourite item in the collection being the limited edition gold bracelet with solid perfume tucked away under a clear sparkly gem for $35 available here.
Oh and don't forget the cocktails! The newest drink to take over since the Cosmo is deemed "Glamour Girl" a yummy pink hued wine cocktail. You can check out the recipe here.