Pucker Up!
It may be windy, humid, rainy, snowing, or scorching hot, but you should always find time to take care of your precious puckers. Chapped lips hurt, and not to mention unsightly. It's also going to be such a nagging affair when your lips start peeling off.
So how do you care for them? Simple. It just takes a total of less than 10 minutes every day. Read on.
Brush it
Right after you brush your teeth, rinse the bristles of your toothbrush and brush your lips lightly in a circular motion. This removes the dead skin cells that accumulates every day.
Moisturize it
Apply lip balm right after brushing. Since the dead skin cells have just been removed, your lips will be sensitive at this point. They will be vulnerable to dehydration unless you slather on lip balm to moisturize it. ChapStick has always been a trusted brand in lip care. Other brands you can count on are Nivea, Burt's Bees, and the Body Shop's Born Lippy.
Protect from the sun
Like your skin and eyes, the lips are exposed to the harmful UV rays that you encounter everyday. You can invest in a lip balm that already contains sunscreen, or get a combo lip balm that's already made with sun protection. Banana Boat is great for women who spend plenty of time at the beach or in the field. It has a high SPF formula that's sure to protect your lips from wrinkling.
Chapped lips may be painful for some people. To others, it's a big no-no. Nevertheless, it is equally as important to care for them as with any other part of the body.
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