The Items page is where you can manage bookable services as well as products. Each service has a name, price and estimated duration which will be shown on the booking form for customers who wish to book an appointment. The duration is important as this will be used to calculate how long each appointment will take. Waiting time may be specified if it is possible to overlap appointments for some services.
Add photos and information about your services by clicking on the 'Detailed Edit' button, or going to the Settings and Administration > Items page.
After adding or modifying services on the services page, have a look at your hosted booking form. (Go to your sassable listing and click on the book button)
Unless you only have a small number of different services or appointment types, categories help to make the booking form more user-friendly. It is important to label your categories so customers will know where to find each service type, and to use exactly the same wording in the category field to avoid creating multiple similar categories.
Try to keep the category names quite short so they can display as a button label.
If a category is displaying more than once on the booking form, check for extra spaces or different upper and lower case characters in the category name.
Most Popular
Most Popular is an automatically created category which is shown by default on the booking form. You can select up to 10 services to appear in the Most Popular category, by ticking the Most Popular checkbox when adding or editing those services. This is a good way to promote particular services or specials.