The Availability page is where you specify which hours your business operates.
This is very important to make sure that customers only book appointments when your business is open and when you are available.
If you are going to be away, it is important to mark each day you are not working as Leave in the availability calendar to prevent that day being offered for appointments.
It is also important if you schedule leave within the coming 4-6 weeks that you check your appointment book and contact any customers who may have already booked an appointment for that day, so the appointment can be rescheduled.
To record leave on the calendar, click on the Hours shown on the day you will be away. Click OK to confirm the Leave. To cancel leave, just click on the Leave and click OK to cancel.
You can also block out available time on the Appointments calendar page by clicking in the time slot on the calendar and choosing the Unavailable button.
Public Holidays
Public Holidays are marked on the Availability calendar for your convenience. If you are closed on a public holiday you still need to mark it as Leave by clicking on the Public Holiday marker on the calendar and clicking OK to confirm the Leave.
Standard Hours
If you decide to change your opening hours, you can click on Edit to change your Standard Hours. This will apply immediately to the booking form for all new appointments.
However this will not affect any existing bookings. If you need to reschedule any existing bookings to adjust to the new opening hours, you will need to contact each affected customer to reschedule their appointments.
Casual Hours
You can also schedule casual hours to extend your normal hours either using the Casual Hours button on the Availability page or from the Appointments calendar page by clicking in the time slot on the calendar and choosing the Roster On button.
Fixed-term Hours
It is also possible to schedule new hours for a particular time period, such as winter hours, summer hours, christmas holiday hours, etc. These hours will override the standard hours during the specified date range.